28th March 2016 to 15th May 2016
QA Ltd
A visual overview of all the projects undertaken throughout this contract can be seen here - https://goo.gl/ynn0if (opens new window).
Stored procedure and trigger created to monitor Maytas database for new students. Trigger would also monitor updates to student first name, surname and email address. Any inserts / updates would be passed onto a temporary audit table storing log of all pending changes. The process reported back on success / failure and would store any errors returned.
Assessor IntegrationSimilar to the āStudent Integrationā, except that the trigger would fire on a new assessor record being created in Maytas. Again, the trigger would also log any changes to the assessorās name or email address. The process reported back on success / failure and would store any errors returned.
Enrolment IntegrationMaytas and Canvas had a substantially different business model for students, teachers and their enrolments on courses, thereby complicating the integration between the two systems. Additionally, checks were required to ensure that both the student and assessor accounts had already been created in Canvas. Stored procedure and trigger created to monitor Maytas database for new enrolments. This process also had to create new course sections (i.e. a collection of users within a course) and ensure that any student was only ever enrolled onto a single course section within a course at any one time.